Sejin Pak - [왜 동물을 먹지 말아야 하나 - 4살난 아이의 이야기] - Video transcript in...:
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Video transcript in English
Boy: OK?
Mother: OK, now eat your Octopus
Boy: Okay, ... The octupus isn't real, is it?
Mother: No
Boy: So it doesn't talk or have a head, right?
Where is the head?
Mother: It does have a head. It's just part of the cut up octupus.
Boy: Oh? So the head is in the sea...?
Mother: It is fish market.
Boy: So, a man cut it, like this?
Mother: Yes, he cut it.
Boy: Why?
Mother: So we can eat it. Otherwise we'd have to eat whole.
Boy: But why?
Mother: So we can eat it. The same way they cut up chickens ...
Boy: Huh? The chickens? ... Nobody can eat chickens.
Mother: Nobody can eat chickens?
Boy: They are animals!
Mother: Huh? ... Well, then eat your potatos.
Boy: Only potatoes and rice.
Mother: That's fine.
Boy: Octopus is animal.
Mother: Alright
Boy: All those are animals. ...Fish are animals....Octupuses are animals....The chickens are animals....The cows are animals....The pics are animals...
Mother: Well, yes.
Boy: So then, when we eat animals...They die.
Mother: That's right.
Boy: why?
Mother: So that we can eat them, love.
Boy: But do they have to die? I don't like that they die... I like that they stand on their feet, happy.
Mother: Alright. Then we won't eat any more meat, okay?
Boy: Okay. ... Those animals. We have to take cae of them, not eat them.
Mother: You're right, son. Eat your potatos and your rice.
Boy: Okay. ... Why are you crying?
Mother: I am not crying. You just touched my heart.
Boy: So then I did something nice?
Mother: Go ahead eat now, but don't worry about eating the octopus, okay?
Boy: Okay.
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